Offensive OSINT s03e07 - Shomap - Advanced Shodan visualization
Today's post focuses on looking for anomaly based on exposed assets from Shodan for Polish government. The visualiza
Offensive OSINT s02e04 - Story about OSINT, MS-13, Facebook and mapping organized crime
Today we will take a deep dive into investigation of eleven members of MS-13 gang that were arrested at the beginning of
Offensive OSINT s02e03 - Intelligence gathering on Internet facing critical infrastructure in United States of America and Russian Federation.
In this episode we will make an analysis of exposed Industrial Control System (ICS) devices in Russia and United States
Offensive OSINT s01e07 - Offensive leak hunting with LeakLooker
In this episode we are going to find a sensitive data leak with unique tool I made - LeakLooker X. I added new features
Offensive OSINT s01e06 - Analysis of offshore organizations of Polish Steamship Company.
This time, we are diving into researching offshore organizations from bunch of leaks like Panama Papers, Bahamas Leaks o
Offensive OSINT s01e06 - Analiza offshorowych spółek Polskiej Żeglugi Morskiej.
Tym razem zajmiemy się analizą organizacji offshorowych z wycieków takich jak Panama Papers, Bahamas Leaks czy Paradise

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